Anyone driving by or roaming the halls of First Presbyterian Church last night may have thought Scouts were practicing drills for basic training, as our newest Scouts logged their first efforts toward completing requirements for the Tenderfoot rank through a variety of physical skill assessments. Requirement 10 of the Tenderfoot rank requires Scouts to record their best efforts, then in 30 days show improvement, in physical tests such as...
...the long jump... |
...sit-ups.... |
...pushups... |
...and pull-ups. |
Scouts working toward the Scout and Tenderfoot ranks met with Scoutmaster Baird and Troop Guide Davis to review progress toward completing those requirements. The troop also discussed plans for the setting up a model campsite and
reprising its trebuchet demonstration at ScoutFest, part of the City of Auburn CityFest, on Saturday, Apr. 26. Having burned a few calories at the start of the meeting, the troop gladly partook in birthday cake and ice cream at the end of the meeting to celebrate Davis' birthday.