James Robert, Will, and Ethan lop away at the juniper bushes. |
In furtherance of the third part of our troop mission statement - to GO into the community in service and fellowship - the scouts of Troop 50 took part in a work day for the First Presbyterian Church. Despite the threat of rain, scouts spent the morning at the church trimming shrubbery, picking up trash, raking leaves, trimming a tree, and hauling away the limbs and other debris. Since the church provides the troop with meeting space, including a dedicated office and storage space, it is important for us to show our appreciation as well as to connect with the membership of the church. The "yard-working" scouts who participated in the workday included Senior Patrol Leader Jake and Assistant SPL Ethan, along with Jeffery, Robert, Will, James Robert and Mark. Adults who participated included Jim Perry, Jason Smith, and Andrew Baird. Also putting in a good morning's work was Robert's little sister Samantha, who picked up trash and hauled limbs alongside the scouts. Other photos are available in the
online photo album.
Samantha scouts for trash in the shrubs. |
Ethan hauls limbs from the courtyard. |