On Saturday, Jan. 12, Troop 50 bestowed the Boy Scouts of America’s highest rank during a ceremony honoring new Eagle Scout Jacob Van Horn. He is the son of Eric and Rebecca Van Horn, currently residents of Opelika. Jacob is the troop’s 19th Eagle Scout since its founding in 2012.
Jacob’s ceremony, held at Auburn United Methodist Church, included family and friends in addition to his fellow Scouts and leaders. Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Hunter welcomed everyone present and led the opening flag ceremony. Assistant Scoutmaster Andrew Baird, Junior Assistant Scoutmaster Liam, Lead Troop Guide Joe, and Troop Quartermaster Everett participated in a candle-lighting narrative that reminded everyone in attendance of the meaning behind the colors of the American flag — followed by an opening prayer from family friend Paxton Brittle, and welcomes from Scoutmaster Andrew Baird and Chartered Organization Representative Michael Tullier.
Liam, Joe and Everett (left to right) light candles signifying the principles behind the colors of the American flag, which are also found in Eagle Scout badge. |
An honor guard of Troop 50 Scouts led Jacob to the stage, where Troop Committee Chair Rob Stanford led him in the reaffirmation of the principles of the Scout Oath. He then reminded Jacob of the obligations of being an Eagle Scout — namely, living with honor, loyalty, courage, service and vision.
Rebecca Van Horn pins Jacob with his Eagle Scout medal. |
Scoutmaster Baird administers the Eagle Scout Charge to Jacob |
Following this, Scoutmaster Baird administered the “Eagle Scout Charge,” officially marking Jacob as an Eagle Scout. Jacob’s mother, Rebecca, pinned his Eagle Scout medal on his uniform, and his father, Eric, presented him with an Eagle Scout neckerchief. In turn, Jacob presented his parents with lapel pins noting their new status as Eagle Scout parents. Along with receiving a framed Eagle Scout certificate from Mr. Baird, Jacob received from Mr. Tullier a certificate of membership in the
National Eagle Scout Association (NESA) — a gift from the troop.
Jacob closed the ceremony with some personal word of thanks, and special presentation of Eagle Scout mentor pins to those who played a special role in his progress toward earning Scouting’s highest rank. Those receiving mentor pins included Mr. Baird, Mr. Stanford, Andrea Holliday, Dan Strickland, Paxton Brittle, Kal Busman and Wes Fanning.
Jacob is presented the James J. Baird Jr. Honor Scout Award at the troop's June 2018 court of honor. |
Originally a member of Troop 158 in Tulahoma, Tennessee, Jacob joined Troop 50 in September 2016 after his family relocated to the Lee County area. During his tenure in Troop 50, he served as patrol leader, lead troop guide, senior patrol leader, junior assistant scoutmaster, and currently serves as an assistant scoutmaster. Through his Scouting participation, he earned 22 merit badges and was named one of co-recipients of the troop's 2018
James J. Baird Jr. Honor Scout Award . He was also elected for membership in the
Order of the Arrow, Scouting’s national honor society, and now serves as the
Chattahoochee Lodge’s camping promotions chairman.
Fellow Troop 50 Scouts assist Jacob with the final
touches on his Eagle Scout project at the troop's
annual planning retreat at Pioneer Park on April 20. |
For his Eagle Scout leadership service project, Jacob planned and led volunteers to reconstruct two new arbors in the garden area of Loachapoka’s
Pioneer Park. Family, friends, and fellow Scouts and leaders logged more than 259 service hours planning and constructing the project. The new arbors, as well as new curb Jacob and volunteers replaced adjacent to the arbors enhance the experience and safety for visitors to the park’s garden.
After completing the Eagle Scout rank requirements, which included planning and executing his service project, Jacob appeared before the Saugahatchee District’s Eagle Scout Board on Oct. 16, 2018. He is among the three Troop 50 Scouts to earn the Eagle Scout rank during 2018.
Outside Scouting, Jacob volunteers by building sets and costumes for Auburn Area Community Theater productions. He plans to attend Auburn University this fall, where he will major in electrical engineering.
Jacob and his extended family at the conclusion of his Eagle Scout Court of Honor |
Since the first Eagle Scout was awarded in 1912, nearly 2.5 million Boy Scouts have completed the Eagle Scout’s performance-based rank requirements, which currently include serving in progressive leadership positions, demonstrating outdoor and Scouting skill competencies, earning at least 21 merit badges, and planning and executing a seminal Eagle Scout leadership service project. During 2017 alone,
55,494 Boy Scouts earned Scouting’s highest rank.
For more photos from Jacob’s Eagle Scout ceremony, visit the troop’s
online photo album.