Aiden, Mr. Lytle, Mr. Stanford, and Michael enjoying ice cream |
After a good night sleep from our camp visitors, the troop awoke at the same time to go through the same schedule. There was much anticipation today because the ice cream delivery was expected today. You see, the trading post has been without ice cream all week and it has been quite the topic of conversation. Around 11:00 the Mayfield truck arrived and everyone took notice. Thankfully, scouts and leaders seeking ice cream got fulfilled on Thursday.
Beck and Michael lashing as Aiden assists |
For breakfast we enjoyed scrambled (folded) eggs, bacon, biscuits, and gravy. It was then off to yet another day of merit badges. Those taking personal fitness were performing push ups and pull ups. Those taking handicraft badges were finishing up some of their projects. All of the folks in shooting sports badges have reached qualification on the shooting portion of their badges. Those taking environmental science have been observing and taking notes for their homework assignment. There is a lot of work being put into these merit badges by the troop.
Monty Python has been a theme for the week. Before meals there is a roll call. As troop numbers are called, they are to respond with something creative. The more creative, the better and this is determined by the applause (or lack thereof) of the rest of camp. The troop started using some Monty Python quotes, songs, and skits for this roll call and other troops have followed suit.
Paul blowing his signal horn |
Another theme for the first part of the week has been the signal horn played by Paul. There have been several sounds coming from troops including a conch shell and Paul's signal horn is the sound of our troop. It was prevalent at the beginning of the week, but it and other signal sounds diminished as more interesting things have been found to do.
After merit badge classes ended for the morning, it was time to gather for lunch. For lunch we enjoyed chicken sandwiches, pears, and electrolyte pops. Then most everyone headed out for free time. Jason and Joey left to go on a kayaking trip for their merit badge. Several headed to the trading post for ice cream! Others hit the ga-ga pit or went to work on homework for classes. Later in the afternoon, we had another round of troop shooting at the archery, rifle, and shotgun ranges. A few scouts made it to the waterfront to enjoy swimming and the water slide. And then it happened.
A competetive game in the ga-ga pit |
Between 3:30 and 4:00, a severe thunderstorm quickly approached camp. All the afternoon activities were halted and scouts were sent back to camp. We secured items in camp from blowing away or getting soaked and we headed to the dining hall for safety. Outside of a bunch of wind and a bunch of water, there were no issues. A few are not comfortable with severe weather, but we all stuck together and made it through. Once the storm passed, we remained in the dining hall for dinner. We had planned on singing a song before dinner at the flagpole, but this didn't occur due to the storm. Jason and Joey arrived back at camp later safe and sound. For dinner we enjoyed pot roast, rice, and some type of "whipped" carrots that tasted more like sweet potatoes (very good). For desert we enjoyed some apple cobbler.
Desert from leader's dinner |
There was scheduled to be several activities during the evening that had to be cancelled. One of those was the triathlon in which we were to field a team to run, swim, and canoe. Tentatively this will be rescheduled to Friday. After the troop got settled back in camp, Mr. Stanford (the elder) and Mr. Lytle headed to the dining hall for the leader's dinner while Mr. Stanford (the younger) remained back at camp with the scouts. The leader's dinner is a time to fellowship and enjoy a meal and it is also a time to share good and bad experiences at camp. There is a lot of room for improvement and the camp staff is committed to resolving those problems. Fortunately, the boys have had an amazing week regardless.
Before retiring for the evening, scouts practiced a flag raising ceremony for the next morning and a skit for the closing campfire. It was a long day the ended very wet and cool. Everyone was able to get to sleep quickly as we start thinking about how nice it will be to sleep in our own beds.
For more pictures from Camp Sequoyah Day 5, check out our
troop photo album.