While most Scouts opted for a self-guided tour (which included visits to the museum's flight simulators and gift shop), a few Scouts dropped in periodically for the museum tour directed by the troop's resident historian, Scoutmaster Andrew Baird. Actual and replica aircraft document the beginning days of Army aviation with the Wright brothers and the early combat aircraft of World War I, up to the highly technological machines such as the AH-64 Apache and the UH-60 Blackhawk flown by Army aviators today.
After touring the museum and enjoying a picnic lunch on the museum's grounds, the troop made its way to its campsite at Blue Springs State Park in nearby Clio, Ala. Scouts had the opportunity to enjoy some downtime after setting up their tents before beginning dinner preparations as the early sunset cast the campsite in darkness by 5:30 p.m. While it was dark, local fire bans due to extreme drought conditions forced the troop to conduct its "campfire" program around a Coleman lantern. Campfire master of ceremonies and Assistant Senior Patrol Leader Louie persevered and provided everyone in attendance a program full of skits, songs, and fellowship.
ASPL Louie serves as master of ceremonies for Saturday evening's "campfire" program. |
It's unclear if the fact that the days are getting darker earlier had any impact on how early the Scouts retired for the evening. However, by 10 p.m., most Scouts (and leaders) were settled in for the evening's cooler temperatures, which dropped to roughly 50 degrees.
Sunday morning's devotional service |
At the troop's monthly Patrol Leaders Council meeting the following Monday, the troop's youth leaders noted that, while the museum left a little to be desired for some Scouts, everyone enjoyed the campfire program and the campsite location..
For more photos from the campout, visit the troop's online photo album.