As Auburn United Methodist Church celebrated Scout Sunday today, several Troop 50 Scouts and leaders who worship with their families at AUMC celebrated the annual event by joining with more than 50 other Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts by serving in one of the church's five services. Thanks to Kyle for ushering in the 8 am Sanctuary service; Davis for saying the opening prayer and Robert for helping with the Scripture reading in the 9:30 am Chapel service; James Robert for ushering in the 9:30 am Sanctuary service; Andrew for filling in all morning where needed; and Rob Stanford for his leadership when not working the sound boards during the Sanctuary services. Many of our Troop 50 families were additionally represented by their Cub Scouts and Girl Scouts who provided similar services.
Michael Tullier
Chartered Org Rep
and Troop Chaplain