Rob has been involved in Scouting from the time he was a Cub Scout in Peachtree City, Ga. (Flint River Council). During his youth, he earned the Arrow of Light and joined Troop 175. He was selected by his troop to be a member of the Order of the Arrow (Ini-To Lodge 324) and after many years of leadership and service earned the rank of Eagle. While in college, Rob served as an assistant scoutmaster briefly for his troop.
Rob is currently active in the Scouting program in the Chattahoochee Council on many levels. He has served as the cubmaster for Pack 29 for more than three years. Rob has also served as pack committee chair and a troop committee member for many years. He is currently active as activities chair on the Saugahatchee District Committee. Previously he has served as roundtable commissioner and has headed up many district events such as Loop-A-Ramas and ScoutFest at Auburn CityFest.